Dentist Questions White tongue

Why is my son's tongue white?

My son brushes his teeth twice a day and he eats foods that are high in protein (he's on his school's wrestling team). For some reason though, his tongue is sometimes white and he has to scrap this coating off. He's 14 years old. Why is this happening?

5 Answers

The coating on the tongue is normal, this happens from eating and drinking. Simply brushing the tongue with the toothbrush will eliminate the white coating and improve the freshness of breath.
it might be related to several reasons, but first, have him drink plenty of water, don't let him get dehydrated.
Everyone gets a little white coating after meals, etc. Along with brushing and flossing, it’s very important to scrape the tongue daily. Just like you would brush and floss 2/3 times a day, similarly, you would gently scrape the tongue; or sometimes use a toothbrush to gently scrape the coating from top surface of tongue. Make an appointment with your dentist office to rule out any other concerns.

Hope this helps,

Dr. Cherry Harika

This is more than likely caused by Candida (oral thrust/yeast). Sometimes it may come and go on its own, but you can also check with your primary care physician or a dentist as they may often wish to prescribe a medication to assist in helping it go away quicker.

Best regards,

Dr. Judy Christianson
Your son should see his dentist. After flossing and brushing, cleaning your tongue should be done by every one. You can buy a silicone tongue cleaner. You can also take a spoon, turn the teaspoon so the round part is facing your palate. Start in the middle of your tongue and go back as far as you can without gagging. Scrape gently while moving the spoon forward out of your mouth. You will see this whitish slimy mass. That's the food particles, bacteria and whatever THAT'S hanging out in the nooks and crannies of your tongue. Do the other two sides of your tongue and rinse your mouth with warm salt water. Then gargle to rinse the back of your throat. Have your son see his medical doctor to make sure high protein foods are OK for your son.