Dentist Questions Tooth extraction

Will I need antibiotics for a tooth extraction?

I am a 20 year old student, and I need to have my tooth removed tomorrow. Will I need antibiotics for a tooth extraction?

12 Answers

If your dentist decides you need antibiotics, you will get a SCRIPT. Please take the antibiotics. Antibiotics are given for an infection. Our office treats emergency patients. The patient has swelling, pain. The patient says that the pain is getting worse and the pain medication is not working. The patient is asked if they are taking the antibiotic. The answer is NO! ANTIBIOTICS ARE BAD FOR YOU. THE PATIENT TOOK THE ANTIBIOTIC FOR A DAY AND STOPPED. INFECTION FROM A TOOTH CAN SPREAD FAST. IT WOULD BE A GREAT SERVICE IF THE RESEARCHERS WHO PLACED THE FEAR OF ANTIBIOTICS INTO THE GENERAL POPULATION WOULD EXPLAIN THAT IF YOU HAVE AN INFECTION AND ARE GIVEN ANTIBIOTICS, TAKE THEM. INFECTIONS ANYWHERE IN YOUR BODY CAN MAKE YOU VERY SICK VERY FAST. ANTIBIOTICS ARE MEANT FOR PATIENTS WITH INFECTIONS!
There are some conditions that require pre operative medication which can be determined by your Dentist. Post operative antibiotic coverage is common when there is swelling from an infected tooth after the tooth is removed.
No, if you do not have any medical condition, which may require antibiotic prophylaxis.
If it is a simple extraction, most likely no, your dentist will advise you.
If there is an infection present then they may put you on antibiotics. Usually the source of the infection is the tooth and once it is removed the body will clear the infection naturally.
It depends upon the type of extraction, some do, some do not. If they make an incision to get the tooth out, then it is likely you will need an antibiotic and stitches. If not, neither is necessary. Hope this helps and good luck!!
There is a possibility that you may need an antibiotic if there is an active infection brewing. The use of antibiotics has decreased significantly over the years because we are more concerned with patients becoming allergic to antibiotic therapy. Therefore, if the extraction is routine and no infection is present, there probably is no need for an antibiotic. Let your dentist discuss this with you when you have the extraction.
I am not the Oral Surgeon extracting your tooth but it is highly likely that they will put you on Antibiotics.
No, you don't need an antibiotic for an extraction normally. But people who have health issues or immunocompromised may need it. Also, it depends if your tooth is infected. You may need an antibiotic in case of a bad infection to help heal.
No, not for 95% of cases! You only need antibiotics if you have a massive infection, which can then interfere with the local anesthesia and you not having a painless procedure. Routinely though, I don't give antibiotics before or after extractions.

Use of antibiotics just before or after extraction does reduce the risk of infection but also causes side effects. Risk of infection in healthy young people is very low and treatment is generally simple. People who are sick or have low immunity are at higher risk of infection and benefit from receiving antibiotics. Antibiotics given to healthy young people to prevent infection may lead to bacterial resistance and cause more harm than benefits