Periodontist Questions Bleeding Gums

Will a periodontist help stop my gums from bleeding?

My gums bleed pretty badly every time I floss. Should I go to a periodontist for treatment? How will they help them stop bleeding?

12 Answers

Your gums are bleeding because you have a gum infection, the bacteria hidden in the gum pockets are causing inflammation and that is why your gums bleed. A periodontist will do a deep cleaning of your teeth that will remove the infection and your gums will stop bleeding [cid:image001.png@01DA8CD6.05662080]
Yes definitely a good idea to have that check out. You could start by brushing better
The major treatment by a periodontist is to create an oral environment of health and no bleeding. There are several steps in treating bleeding gums by a periodontist team.
1: A comprehensive oral exam of the tissue and periodontal measurement of the tissue interface between the teeth and the gums. Also known as periodontal probing, to determine pocketing depths and bone loss. Depths of millimeters. 1-3mm is acceptable as there is no bleeding. A complete set of X-rays with be necessary to evaluate the underlying bone structure.
2: A series of 2-4 deep cleanings (after an initial cleaning) is necessary with local anesthetic to remove the plaque and tarter at and under the gum line. This is also in conjunction with review of daily plaque control.
3: re evaluation of the oral tissue, dentition and determination of the reduction of bleeding.
4. Reevaluation to determine if there is needs the need for periodontal surgery of which there are many types
5:Periodontal surgery is usually done with local anesthesia.
6: once completed with care, you must be seen on a periodic 3-6 month basis to monitor your progress.
Absolutely, a Periodontist will educate you on your home care they take X-rays and perform an examination to determine the problems. They will clean and de-bride the etiological factors creating the bleeding, they will do an in-depth med evaluation to determine the contributing factors creating the bleeding and advise you on any other work necessary to create heath.

Great question, you should seek out a periodontist immediately for an examination/consultation. As bleeding gums are a warning sign of a periodontal infection.
A periodontist will need to find the cause and then correct it or make sure the causing factors are eliminated. Bleeding gums are not healthy.
Depending on the cause, in most cases we can!
Bleeding gums are a sign of inflammation, usually caused by bacteria under the gums. Having your teeth cleaned should eliminate the bleeding. Scaling and root planing is deep cleaning, usually done with numbing so that we can get down to where the bacteria are and clean the teeth thoroughly. General dentists, periodontists and their hygienists do this procedure.
Yes, a periodontist can guide you and help. Sometimes all you need is just a deep cleaning which we call periodontal therapy.
First your technique may need to be evaluated. Most tend to floss by a snap-in, snap-out method. This removes plaque that can cause caries but not improve the health of your gums. Wrapping the floss along side of the tooth and scrubbing up and down is a better technique for bleeding gums. BUT be careful! I have seen some patients who feel they are wrapping the floss actually cut the gum as they floss causing the gums to bleed pretty badly every time. An exam by either a periodontist or dentist can determine if you are traumatizing your gums or require professional care.
Bleeding gums is the first sign of Periodontal Disease which is a bacterial infection in the mouth.  Periodontists are the dentists that specialize in treating this problem.  So yes they will stop your gums from bleeding.