“Will quitting drinking reduce anxiety?”
I am a 40 year old male. I want to know if quitting drinking will reduce anxiety?
6 Answers
It depends on the causes of your anxiety. If you are using drinking to treat your anxiety you need to find the factors behind your anxiety. If you address those, you will not need to use drinking to treat them.
You need to see a psychiatrist to treat the anxiety. The more alcohol you drink the more anxiety you will have over a period of time. SSRI are used to decrease anxiety and it takes 4-6 months for it to work.
YES. If the person drinks regularly the anxiety may worsen during the first week but afterwards will disappear-unless there are other substances or circumstances that are contributing to that anxiety.
This is a difficult question to answer. Many people drink because they have an underlying anxiety or mood disorder and self-medicate themselves with alcohol. The best course of action is to consult with a professional who may help you quit drinking and follow you up closely to verify whether your anxiety will decrease or increase after stopping alcohol and whether you have any underlying condition.