“Would going to a chiropractor help with headaches?”
I suffer from headaches 4 days a week, and my friend recommended a chiropractor. Would going to a chiropractor help with headaches?
11 Answers
Oftentimes, headaches are caused by nerves that come out of the skull and through the different bones of the spine in the neck get pinched either by the bones being out of alignment or by muscles being too tight and pinching on those delicate nerves. By getting you adjusted, we can help not only align your spine and skull, but this allows your body to go from fight flight to rest digest, which will help alleviate your headaches. I personally used to get migraines and tension headaches almost weekly, but since going to school and getting regularly adjusted, I no longer have those, and if I do, I get adjusted and they are gone almost instantly.
Cervicogenic headaches are a common diagnosis of the cause of headaches. Chiropractic therapy has been shown to be very effective for treatment.
The short answer is yes, chiropractic adjustments have been shown in research literature to be effective for tension-type headaches and cervicogenic headaches which are the most common types of headaches.
Absolutely, it would. Headaches are consistently resolved with chiropractic care. Most headaches can be attributed to tension of muscles and restriction of the bones in the neck and upper back areas. Chiropractors can examine for both of these and treat it effectively.
Vishal K. Verma, DC, CCSP
Vishal K. Verma, DC, CCSP
Chiropractic may be a solution for you, but the only way to tell is by booking an appointment. An abundance of research does exist correlating headache relief from chiropractic treatments. I pray for your success.
Dr. Duchon
Chiropractic may be a solution for you, but the only way to tell is by booking an appointment. An abundance of research does exist correlating headache relief from chiropractic treatments. I pray for your success.
Dr. Duchon