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Is there an homeopathic treatment for eczema?

My child suffers from eczema and I would like to know if there's any homeopathic treatment. Right now I'm using a medical cream that the doctor has prescribed.

Can I take homeopathic medicines to lessen my allergic reactions?

I often end up getting food allergies. I react to nuts and dairy mostly. Are there any homeopathic medicines that can help me find relief from the allergic reactions?

Are there any homeopathy medicines that can help in relieving constipation?

I have been suffering from constipation on and off for the last 6 months or so after changing my diet. Is there any homeopathic medication that is safe for me to consume?

Is there any homeopathic medicines to build immunity?

My immunity level is very poor and it's really worrying me. Are there any homeopathic medicines to build my immunity levels?

Can homeopathic medications cause allergic reactions?

Can I get an allergic reaction from taking homeopathic medicines?

What homeopathic medicine would you recommend to prevent motion sickness?

I am planning to travel, but I often have motion sickness even when just traveling by car. What medicine would you recommend to prevent motion sickness?

Is there any homeopathic medicine for treating fatty liver?

I have been diagnosed with fatty liver, but I'd rather not take any pharmacological medication for it to get better. Is there any homeopathic medicine that will help me treat...

Type of asana according to hip movement

How can we identify which one is hip closing asana or which one is hip opening asana?

Is there any treatment for memory loss in homeopathy?

I have been forgetting small things, with some temporary memory loss. It usually comes back to me after a moment, but it's strange. Can homeopathic treatment help me with this?...

My son has white patches on his face. What homeopathic medication can I give him to treat this?

My son is 11 years old and has white patches on his face from to playing in the sun. Can I give him homeopathic medication to treat this? The dermatologist gave him ointment...

Is there any treatment in homeopathic medicine for heel spurs?

Every day morning I have severe pain in my heels due to heel spurs. Is there any treatment in homeopathy for this? What's the approach?

I am allergic to strawberries. Is there any way to "fix" a food allergy?

I am 21 years old and have a strawberry allergy, but I really want to eat them. Is there a solution or is there really nothing I can do for food allergies?

I have a strange stomach ache that comes on like cramps but settles on its own. What should I do?

For the last two days I have been feeling strange stomach cramps that come and go on their own. I don't think I've eaten anything out of the ordinary. What should I do about...

I have excess hair growth. What should I do?

I am a 23 year old woman and I have excess hair growth all over my body which is due to a hormonal imbalance. What can I do?

How can I treat stomach ulcers with homeopathy?

Is there a treatment for stomach ulcers in homeopathic medicine? What medicines or courses of treatment are used?

Please suggest a natural medicine for bloating and gas.

Can you please suggest homeopathic medicines that are used to treat bloating and gas?

How will I know if homeopathy medication is working or not?

I have started with homeopathy treatment for my PCOD. I started Apis Mellifica. The doctor has told me that this form of medication takes time to show results. How will I know...

Is there a natural treatment for eczema?

My daughter has severe eczema. The topical ointments often contain steroids and I don’t want that for her in the long run. Can I switch to homeopathic alternatives to treat her...

Are there any diet restrictions to be followed in homeopathy?

Does one have to follow any diet restrictions for homeopathic medication to work properly for them? Is it okay to have dairy products with homeopathy medication for example?

Can homeopathic medicines treat allergies?

My son is highly prone to dairy allergies. Can homeopathy treatment help in reducing his reactions in the long run?

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