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How can high cholesterol affect my heart health?

I have high cholesterol levels. How can high cholesterol affect my heart health?

What are the causes of bad breath?

I have bad breath. What are the causes of bad breath?

What are the risks associated with anesthesia?

I will have surgery. What are the risks associated with anesthesia?

What helps with ulcerative colitis?

I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. What helps with ulcerative colitis?

What is an echocardiogram?

My doctor advised me to have an echocardiogram. What is an echocardiogram?

How normal is life after a stent?

I will get a heart stent. How normal is life after a stent?

What are the treatment options and long-term outlook for pulmonary embolism?

I have been diagnosed with pulmonary embolism. What are the treatment options and long-term outlook?

What precautions should I take to prevent seizures?

I have a history of epilepsy. What precautions should I take to prevent seizures?

What is the role of cholesterol in heart disease?

I have high cholesterol levels. What is the role of cholesterol in heart disease?

What are the most effective ways to manage high blood pressure, including lifestyle changes and medications?

I have high blood pressure. What are the most effective ways to manage high blood pressure, including lifestyle changes and medications?

How can I fix breathing issues after a rhinoplasty?

I have some breathing issues after a rhinoplasty. How can I fix breathing issues after a rhinoplasty?

What helps with ankle joint pain?

My ankle joint hurts. What helps with ankle joint pain?

Do painkillers help with root canal pain?

I have pain after the root canal procedure. Do painkillers help with root canal pain?

How long is recovery after coronary bypass surgery?

I need to have coronary bypass surgery. How long is recovery after coronary bypass surgery?

How long is recovery from gallbladder removal?

I will get my gallbladder removed. How long is recovery from gallbladder removal?

Is tonsillectomy painful?

My daughter has chronic tonsillitis. Is tonsillectomy painful?

How do you manage angry behavior?

My friend has very angry behavior. How do you manage angry behavior?

Should I get surgery if I have blocked heart arteries?

I was diagnosed with blocked heart arteries. Should I get surgery if I have blocked heart arteries?

Can thyroid CT scan cause any health issues?

I will have a thyroid CT scan. Can thyroid CT scan cause any health issues?

What type of anesthesia is used for tonsil removal surgery?

My daughter will have a tonsillectomy. What type of anesthesia is used for tonsil removal surgery?

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