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Are natural treatments helpful in treating skin warts?

I am developing a number of warts around my underarms and back area. Is there any natural treatment that can be helpful in treating them?

Can I use homeopathic medicines for my child's asthma?

My son has mild asthma. I don't feel comfortable putting him on standard medications. Could homeopathic options help at all?

Can I continue migraine homeopathy medicines after a bypass?

I have been on homeopathy medication for my migraine. I recently had a bypass surgery and am on a lot of follow up medication. Can I restart my homeopathy medication or should...

Is there a cure for eczema in homeopathic medicine?

Lately, I have been having symptoms of eczema and the diagnosis was confirmed by a doctor. But the medication he prescribed me makes me really tired. Is there homeopathic medication...

How can I build my child's immunity with homeopathy?

My son is 5 years old and often falls sick with a cold and cough. Can homeopathic medication help in enhancing his immunity?

Is there a remedy for thyroid in homeopathy?

I am suffering from elevated thyroid levels. The doctors have said that this could be from hypothyroidism, but they are still running tests. Can I try homeopathy for treating...

I am having a lot of acne and pigmentation on my skin. Should I try homeopathy for the same?

I am suffering from a lot of acne and I have a strange pigmentation on my skin. Do you think I can try homeopathic medicine for my problem?

Is there any medication in homeopathy for treating acidtiy and heartburn?

Lately, I have been experiencing terrible heartburn. I take antacids every time for it, but I want to try something more homeopathic. Are there any homeopathic treatments or...

My son had pneumonia a few weeks. Can I put him on homeopathic treatment to have his lungs to recover faster?

My son was suffering from pneumonia a few weeks back, and I still feel like he's breathing heavily. Will homeopathic treatments help his lungs to recover faster from this infection?...

Is there homeopathic medication for excessive bleeding during periods?

During my last two menstrual cycles, I was bleeding quite heavily. Is there any homeopathic medication that can help me treat this?

Are there painkillers in homeopathic medicine?

Are there painkillers available in homeopathic medication? Do they work as fast as allopathic painkillers?

Can homeopathic medicine help chemo side effects?

My father is dealing with some nasty chemo side effects. He feels helpless. Can homeopathic medicine help, and how?

Are there any risks involved in homeopathic treatment?

I have read an article that said homeopathic medicines use some steroids. Are there really some risks involved with homeopathy treatments?

I have hyperthyroidism. Can homeopathy help me treat this?

I am 28 years old and I have hypothyroidism. I am gaining excess weight because of this. Could homeopathy help me treat this problem?

Can you suggest some homeopathic medicine for diarrhea?

I am prone to getting diarrhea. Can you please suggest some homeopathic medication?

Can diabetes be cured with homeopathic medication?

My husband is a diabetic, and he's tired of taking the same medications since he doesn't think they actually work. Are there any homeopathic medications that would work for diabetes?...

Can you take homeopathic medications along with allopathic medicines?

I want to start homeopathy medications for my son for his asthma problem. I would like to know if homeopathy and allopathy can be mixed. Can it cause any counter interactions?...

is there natural cure for premature greying of the hair?

I am 26 years old and I already have a few grey hairs. Can I try something homeopathic for premature greying of the hair?

Can homeopathy help my son fight lactose intolerance?

My son is 5 years old and has been lactose intolerant since birth. Can I try homeopathy treatment for him or is it too early? Would it work?

Are there immunity building medicines available in homeopathy?

My daughter gets sick with every season change. Are there any homeopathic medications available to help her improve her immunity?

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