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Can surgery help with prostate cancer?

My friend is 38 year old, and he was diagnosed with prostate cancer. Can surgery help with this? What are the other treatment options?

What's the best treatment option for ovarian cancer?

My friend is 50 years old, and she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. She's opting for surgery to have the cancerous tissues removed. But does she have other, better options?...

Is bone cancer treatable?

My husband was diagnosed with bone cancer recently, but it's in the second stage. Is this treatable?

Are there any long-term complications associated with chemotherapy?

I am a 45 year old woman currently undergoing chemotherapy. Are there any long-term complications associated with chemotherapy?

Can lymphedema be caused by radiation therapy?

I had radiation therapy for breast cancer, and some time after I was diagnosed with lymphedema. Did this develop from the radiation?

How many types of non-Hodgkin lymphoma exist?

My friend is 20 year old, and he has non-Hodgkin lymphoma. How many types of non-Hodgkin lymphoma exist?

Are surgical consultations used for women receiving mastectomies?

I need to have a mastectomy after a tumor was found on my left breast. Before surgery, I'm supposed to have a consultation. But why are these consultations really necessary?...

How can a person fight chemotherapy fatigue?

My friend's son is having chemotherapy, but because of his treatment, he has fatigue. How can he fight chemotherapy fatigue?

Is chemotherapy the best option for bone cancer treatment?

My friend is 35 years old. He has been diagnosed bone cancer and his doctors treat him with chemotherapy. Is it the best option for bone cancer treatment?

Is it better to have open or closed biopsy?

My doctor found an abnormal lump in one of my mammograms. He has recommended to do an open biopsy to see if it's cancerous. But I heard from other doctors that closed biopsy...

What are the side effects of chemotherapy?

My friend's 7-year-old daughter needs to have chemotherapy treatment for stage II leukemia. Do kids experience any other side effects for chemotherapy?

What is the success rate of bone cancer treatment?

My friend has just been diagnosed with bone cancer, and he's 45 years old. He's in stage II right now, and the treatment that he decided on is chemotherapy. What's the success...

What is the best treatment for breast cancer?

A cousin, that I'm pretty close to, just got diagnosed with breast cancer, and I'm not really sure what her options are. What are the typical treatment options for breast cancer?...

Do people with leukemia need chemotherapy?

Is chemotherapy the primary treatment for leukemia, or are there other options that work?

Is bone cancer curable?

A cousin of mine was diagnosed with bone cancer recently, and it's not exactly a cancer that I've heard of. Is bone cancer curable? How is bone cancer diagnosed, typically?

Was my lymphedema caused by radiation therapy?

I had radiation therapy to treat my breast cancer, but after noticing both my legs swell, I've also been diagnosed with lymphedema. Could my radiation therapy have caused lymphedema?...

How long do chemo side effects last?

My daughter started chemotherapy recently for her cancer, and she experiences a few gastrointestinal side effects, like nausea. Is it common for this nauseous feeling to pass?...

Are there such a thing as cancer genes?

I understand that if you have breast cancer, or colon cancer, or really any type of cancer in your family, that you have a higher risk for them. Is this because of certain genes...

How quickly does Non-Hodgkins lymphoma spread?

I was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkins lymphoma at an early stage of the disease. I'm currently in chemotherapy, and already am showing some progress. But I'm still scared of it spreading....

How will chemo affect my oral health?

I was diagnosed with breast cancer earlier this month and I'm going to begin chemotherapy. Everything was discussed with my oncologist, but there's still a few questions that...

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