Women's Health

Fibroids: What Are Sex Hormone Suppressors?

Fibroids and Sex Hormone Suppressors

Fibroids: What Are Sex Hormone Suppressors

Hormonal suppression is a form of hormone therapy that focuses on directly or indirectly altering the level of estrogen and progesterone in the body of people suffering from fibroids. These hormones are known to fuel the occurrence of fibroids. To regulate the levels of these hormones, special hormonal therapies are used. They act as sex hormone suppressors and help in alleviating symptoms such as heavy bleeding. This shrinks the growth of fibroids.

What are some of the approved sex hormone suppressors? 

Your doctor can recommend the following suppressors:

  • Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists
  • Progestins
  • Aromatase inhibitors (AIs)
  • Mifepristone
  • Oral contraceptives

How do sex hormone suppressors work?

Sex hormone suppressors, such as GnRH suppresses the production of estrogen in the body. This creates a post-menopausal degree of the estrogen deficiency in the body. This therapy is effective in suppressing the development of fibroids as well as dealing with symptoms like heavy bleeding. However, continued use of GnRH agonist has some serious long-term side effects, including a loss in bone mass. Other side effects include:

Oral contraceptives can be used to relieve the symptoms of fibroids. However, whether they are effective in reducing the size of fibroids is an area that needs further research. The following drugs are in this category:

  • Lynestrenol
  • Dienogest
  • Norethisterone

Sex hormone suppressors: More important basics

The Symptoms of Uterine Fibroids 

  • Pressure on your bladder or rectum
  • Pain in your lower abdomen or lower back
  • Constipation or rectal pressure
  • Mild to severe uterine cramping
  • Frequent bleeding: can be heavy, light, or without cramping

What are the main concerns for uterine fibroids?

The following can set if you are suffering from uterine fibroids:

  • Anemia as a result of heavy bleeding.
  • Some discomfort because of the size of fibroids.
  • Fertility challenges