Possible Causes of Infertility
It almost doesn't make evolutionary sense that a woman's body should have such a difficult time getting and staying pregnant. From the purely evolutionary standpoint, you would actually think the opposite: that a woman's body would make it very simple to get pregnant and to help the baby to safely develop for the entire term up to delivery. It is unfortunate, however, that nearly one-third of all conception attempts do not succeed and that around 20 percent of women say that they have difficulty getting, or staying, pregnant and that percentage increases with age.
What is Infertility?
Infertility (or the inability for a person to naturally reproduce) is not a natural state for a healthy adult. A woman or man who cannot conceive or a woman who cannot safely carry a baby into full term may feel confused and like something is wrong with them or that something very essential is missing from their lives. While
Fertility issues may be more common than you realized, but it doesn't decrease the effects that it has on you, does it? There are numerous books and research studies available for the woman or couple who wish to uncover the issues and tackle them head on. At the forefront of the entire battle is knowledge. Then proactivity. Lastly, hope. One must always maintain that hope, for without it one loses to motivation to proceed with anything remotely difficult.
Fertility is about more than just getting the sperm into the egg with a little horizontal mambo; it is also the process of being able to keep the baby healthy and growing until past twelve weeks, and in doing so, reducing the baby's chance at being miscarried.
A miscarriage usually occurs when the mother has a hemorrhage (or bleeding) in the tissue within her uterus. This bleeding will cause tissue that is next to the ovum to break down and cause the uterus to begin contracting. These contractions essentially will cause the fertilized egg to detach from the uterine lining and is then expelled out of the body. The baby is then blocked off from nutrients and starves.
Over 80 percent of miscarriages will happen before the thirteenth week and most are caused by chromosomal abnormalities. The chances of miscarrying are greater in women over the age of forty and when the woman has had multiple previous births or past miscarriages.
Most women have a 35 percent chance of getting pregnant within the first year, an 80 percent chance within 6 months, and a 90 percent chance within the first year. Therefore, if you only just started trying to get pregnant a couple of months ago, give it a few more before you see a specialist. If, however, you already know or highly suspect that you are, indeed, infertile and have been trying for at least a year, then there are some things that you can do to try to help mother nature (and your fertility specialist) along. The tips and advice that you may read online, from library books, or from others, will undoubtedly range from kooky sounding old wives’ tales to scientifically proven and researched methods. We're going to go through a few of them here for you and you should be sure to write down any that you think might help and ask your doctor or specialist for their medical opinion.
Possible Causes
If you or your partner should ask family members about any fertility issues that might run in the family, such as Robertsonian translocation. If either of you have fertility issues that do run in the family, you should ask your health care specialist or a genetic specialist if they anything any treatment options.
Stress can cause both the woman and the man fertility issues. Stress reduction strategies have been found to effectively help a woman to conceive and a man's sperm to be stronger and more plentiful.
Sexually Transmitted Infection
Sexually transmitted infections can increase the risk of infertility, ectopic pregnancy, and other complications. If you think you're at risk of having a sexually transmitted infection, you should speak with your gynecologist or fertility specialist right away.
Unhealthy Lifestyle Choices
Unhealthy lifestyle choices such as an unhealthy weight (both too high or too low), inactivity, and an unhealthy diet may all play major roles in causing infertility. Couples should both adopt healthier choices which include healthy food, physical activity, healthy weight, and limitation or elimination of caffeine, cigarettes, and alcohol.
Tobacco Products
Tobacco products (including both cigarettes and nicotine e-cigarettes) can change the cervical mucus and prevent the sperm from reaching the egg. Smoking can also increase the chance of miscarriage as it deprives the baby of oxygen and essential nutrients. If you are trying to conceive, but cannot quit smoking on your own, ask your healthcare provider to recommend over-the-counter supplements or prescribe medications that can help you
A little bit of alcohol is not usually related to infertility, but if either partner is consuming it in large quantities, it can lead to complications getting pregnant as well as to major problems with the pregnancy if it should take place.
Irregular Sex
It may sound too obvious, but one of the most common causes of infertility is that a couple just simply is not having sex enough. Couples often become so wrapped up in only having sex during the right times, that they just aren’t playing the odds. A lot of couples have found that as soon as they relaxed and started having sex more often that they were able to conceive.
Cervical Mucus Changes
Just after ovulation, the cervical mucus changes from the clear and slippery substance you will have during ovulation to a cloudy and sticky mucus until it disappears altogether. If your mucus is cloudy and sticky or not present at all even during ovulation, you should ask your doctor or fertility specialist what tests and solutions they recommend.
Causes of Infertility in Men
The primary cause of male infertility is low semen quality or quantity. Low sperm count may be due to infection, drugs, alcohol, radiation, or endocrine problems, testicular malformations, hormone imbalance, or blockages in the duct system.