If You Were Able to Come Face to Face With Autism, What Would You Say?

Go ahead. Vent your frustrations. Share how you persevere in the face of the everyday struggles of autism.
Living with the struggles of autism can be heart-breaking at times, so challenging and confusing to know which approach works best, because every day has new difficulties. Autism has also opened my mind to new ways of living, and loving. I have learned so much about my own self, and my own awareness, that I am beginning to accept autism as a way to develop and grow. I would have never learned acceptance and letting go of anger and judgement without it, which is extremely empowering! I have been on this journey with autism for 14 years, and it's just beginning to have a positive impact on my life. I hope and pray that my son can also accept autism as his path too.
Wishing everybody love, peace and light in their lives xx