How Has Your Life Changed with Diabetes?

Debbie Lazar: How Has Your Life Changed with Diabetes?
Debbie Lazar Diabetes

I am a 56 year old woman who was diagnosed with diabetes 5 years ago. I had gained weight over the years but was still active and exercised almost every day which is why this was such a surprise. I have 2 daughters and a husband who also has Adult Onset Diabetes. I work full time plus a side job on the weekends. LIfe...

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Give us a bit of backstory. Are you a Type 2 Diabetic? Do you take insulin?

The sort answer is yes and yes. 

How has diabetes affected the family dynamic (good and bad?)

It's hard. My life is scheduled to the -nth degree and family doesn't always understand. 

Every time I eat, I need to think about how it is going to affect my sugar levels. As I have Type 1 diabetes, my pancreas cannot produce insulin and I need to inject myself with the hormone, usually five times daily, and attempt to replicate the work of the organ. 

Carbs increase my sugar, so every bite of food I put in my mouth becomes an algrbra equation. I then need to recalculate exactly much insulin I need to inject to act with the impending spikes in my sugar levels. 

What is the best advice you would give to someone recently diagnosed?

You will get to the point where you are controlling your diabetes and it's not controlling you. Be patient. Write it down. Track everything and be organized. You haven't changed. You just have to be very careful now.