Staying Positive with Fibromyalgia

How much credence do you put into the notion of maintaining a positive attitude?
I believe it is important to keep a positive attitude. If you let things get on top of you then you may find yourself sinking into depression which I feel would make the situation worse. I feel that people with fibromyalgia have enough to contend with without additional problems caused by depression. I try to find something positive in every day, maybe I achieved a small task, tomorrow I might be able to achieve a bit more.
What do you do to get through the difficult days?
If I am having a difficult day, I try to rest as much as possible, making time to relax and practicing mindfulness. I try to do things to take my mind off my problems, reading a good book, watching the television, listening to music. If I have any areas of pain, I often use heating bags to gently warm the area, and sometimes a shower helps. If I am having a bad day, I find that letting someone else do everyday things such as getting meals ready is the best way for me.
What is the driving force that keeps you moving forward?
The driving force that keeps me moving is my family. Although my children are no longer children, they still need my support and guidance at times. I love spending time with my family, doing things together and I look forward to the day when I will have grandchildren to love too. My husband is also one of the main reasons I keep trying to move forward, we look forward to being able to spend more time together when he retires, visiting favorite places, and going to new places.