Share Your Daily Self Care Goals
Self-care goal 1
Try and get plenty of rest and although it is pretty impossible sometimes, take a hot soothing bath and relax. When you go to bed, turn on some nice music or whatever helps you fall asleep.
Self-care goal 2
Pick and choose what you need to get done based on more important things. The kitchen needs to be cleaned up. Do a little at a time and take a break as often as needed. Run sweeper, rest. Clean bathroom, rest. The laundry needs to be done but you can take breaks with it anyway. Just don't over do things. You know your limits.
Self-care goal 3
When you hurt, try and get a massage. It may hurt but it helps so much afterwards. I usually get a deep tissue and I almost come off the table but I feel good for a week or two if I don't over do things. Take an NSAID or rub on some stuff like Bio Freeze if you can't get a massage.
Self-care goal 4
Try and keep your stress levels down. That makes mine flare up so bad. I go and shut myself in my room and listen to music and play games on the computer.
Self-care goal 5
Try and do some stretches if you can. Limit lifting things. Do what you feel is right for you.