Lifestyle changes that you have acquired since your diagnosis

Felycia Burnett: Lifestyle changes that you have acquired since your diagnosis
Felycia Burnett Fibromyalgia

I am 49 year old mother & grandmother I am a caretaker for my disabled daughter as well as my parents. In 2013 I noticed something was wrong with my body & kept telling my Dr’s something was wrong & they did not believe me. Finally at my instance I was sent to a specialist & was surprised when he said I have Fibromyalgia...

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What lifestyle changes have you made since your diagnosis?

I am a Vegetarian currently going Vegan

I workout M-Fri

I pray often & I am very active in my church.

What impact have these changes had on your health and state of mind?

I have loss over 25lbs & kept it off. I mentally feel much better & my physical strength is increasing.

What advice do you have for others who are trying to incorporate these changes into their lives?

You have nothing to lose but everything to gainL your life back.