If You Were Able to Come Face to Face with Lupus, What Would You Say? | 23/08/2018

If You Were Able to Come Face to Face with Lupus, What Would You Say? | 23/08/2018
Deme Negassa Lupus

Prior to lupus I was a very energetic person. Lupus changed my life in so many ways. I now can’t do some of the things I used to do because of fatigue.

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Go ahead. Vent your frustrations. Share how you persevere in the face of the everyday struggles of having lupus.

Dear Lupus,

I don’t even know why I’m calling you dear because I don’t like you. I hate you because you made my life hard. Please leave my body and let me regain the strength and energy that I used to have prior to you invading my body all of a sudden.