Weight-Loss and Exercise? A lot Better Than CPAP
I was diagnosed with sleep apnea in the summer of 2015. My wife was the one who made me go to the doctor, not really any one else. She told me that sometimes I would breathe so shallow when I was asleep that it would scare the crap out of her to the point where she would think that I was dying. The snoring was always there. I snored throughout my childhood, into my twenties, and now. But it took that scare to bring me to our primary care, then to a specialist who diagnosed me.
I never really considered myself overweight when looking in the mirror (I thought it was just a part of getting old, you know?), but now after being diagnosed, I see the problem.
How am I supposed to lose it though? My wife wants me to eat healthier, but with kids, that's easier said than done. I'll be eating a salad and they're eating fried chicken tenders and french fries. Or, when they have some pizza, and I'm stuck eating some eggplant. It's tough, it's definitely really tough. I'm trying my best, but sometimes I feel like my best isn't good enough. My wife and kids do their best to support me though, so that's something. I have them to keep me going.
They are also making me slowly learn just how important it is to be disciplined when losing weight. Discipline and motivation are the two most important things when trying to lose a few pounds (or, in my case, more than a few). So, I'll keep trying just for my wife, Amy, and kids, Evan, Winnie, and Brooke.
And, I know my wife is doing everything she can to help me as much as possible. She's on Pinterest, literally, all the time. She's trying to find recipes that I would (maybe) enjoy. Well, we'll see about that. Who knows what would happen?
But, all I know is, is that I would rather be living a healthy lifestyle than actually use my CPAP, any day. I know it's needed, but my mask barely fits over my face and I can't stand it. It does help though, a lot. However, that doesn't mean I want to be on this thing for the rest of my life. So, living a healthy life it is then. (And don't worry, I'll stay on CPAP, until the doctor says a-okay to me being off of it)
Today, I'm visiting a nutritionist with my wife to see the best way to go about all of this this. She's bringing her weird Pinterest recipes to see which one is best to eat. I'm also going to register at the nearest gym so I can add some exercise to the mix. Haven't been the to the gym since I was in my thirties (it'll be interesting!).
Hopefully, in a few months, I'll be saying "Hasta la Vista" OSA! I'll keep you folks updated.
-Dan N.