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Is dyslexia common in children with autism?

My daughter is low on the autism spectrum but I noticed that she has a few symptoms of dyslexia. She's 5 years old, and I noticed these symptoms while she was writing and reading...

What are the first signs of autism?

I think my son might have autism. He's 5 years old, and has difficulty understanding what other kids his age are learning. He also has a few speech issues. Could he have autism?...

What causes nervous tics in children?

My child keeps ticking his neck to the side repeatedly, and he can't control when it happens. What is wrong with him? This mainly happens when he's stressed out and anxious....

Can children have depression?

My 6-year-old daughter sometimes cries for attention, but I also have noticed that she doesn't play with kids her age at school. Could this be depression? What symptoms do children...

What are the most common cognitive issues in children?

My 4-year-old son has some sort of learning disorder. He's not learning as quickly as the other kids, and he has some difficulty speaking. I am taking him to see a doctor. What...

How should one raise a child with ADHD?

My friend's daughter has been diagnosed with ADHD, and I can tell that she's having trouble raising her. She always had though. What's the best way to raise a child with ADHD?...

Is the cause of ADHD known?

My son was diagnosed with ADHD, and his doctors offered very little on how it was caused. What causes ADHD in children? Will it go away when he's adult?

How do I know if my son has ADHD?

I noticed that my son is very hyperactive, but I think he's too young to be diagnosed with ADHD. He's only 7, so I feel like this hyperactivity has much more to do with his age....

Can medical cannabis be a treatment for epilepsy?

My son has epilepsy, and is currently being treated with Gabapentin. We want to try other treatments for him. I heard medical marijuana can treat epilepsy. Is this a safe option...

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