Diet and Nutrition

Using Turmeric to Help With Lupus Symptoms

Using Turmeric to Help Fight Lupus Symptoms

Like with any disease, there are different ways to change a diet when it comes to facing lupus. Eating foods with certain nutrients can definitely assist with reducing the many debilitating symptoms of the disease, and improving nutrition could help a patient go through their daily routine. While there are various forms of lupus, this autoimmune disease is known to target certain areas of the body, so it is important for patient to look for foods that will help the immune system long-run. Although there are various forms of lupus disease, there are certainly diseases that can be affected by diet and other foods. These types of autoimmune disorders are known to target various parts of the body. 

As lupus can damage various parts of the body and different organs, it also opens the door for other diseases that affect the body to come into the patients' systems. And, there are many Americans across the nation who face this issue on a regular basis, however, some are not able to address these issues with a specialist. Because of this, symptoms are more persistent and can turn into further complications. 

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Talking to a specialist is not only suggested, but it is one of the best ways to prevent further issues and to lose weight that might come from side effects of the disease. Since kidney inflammation can be a problem, having foods that will assist in that is something to certainly consider. There are times when it can be difficult to change up diets.

However, keeping a certain mindset when it comes to changing a diet is what some people have trouble overcoming. This can become a problem when people find food as a source of comfort. However, don't fear, there are definitely alternatives that patients can find that would offer them the same amount of comfort that they are used to from the delicious home-cooked meals. With online resources and other support systems available, finding out how to add healthier food to ultimately change up their lifestyle is within hand's reach. It may be surprising, but there have been several studies that have taken women who have severe symptoms of lupus and added turmeric, a spice more common in Indian foods. What have they found, you ask? Well, they have found that this spice actually helps patients reduce their symptoms of lupus significantly.

Using turmeric in foods may just be the best way to start on a healthy diet and better lifestyle. Not only has there been evidence of it helping patients, this spice is known to enhance flavors in food across various cultures, and it is also accessible for patients.

Ways to help fight lupus!

There are also other reasons for having turmeric. This spice has been used to improve the symptoms of other diseases and has assisted with creating a better sense of wellness in those who are looking for a healthy spice to add to their diet! Though this has been found in more recent research, its benefits have also been known already by those in India. However, you should always speak with a nutritionist to see if it is okay to add to your diet, as not every one can consume the same thing. Another great spice that you can add to your diet to help combat lupus symptoms is black pepper, which, as everyone knows, pairs wonderfully with all types of food.

Turmeric is also known to assist with inflammation, a common characteristic for those who have lupus. This has actually been addressed by some studies, but the research for this will continue to unfold as more strides are being made in this field. Since inflammation can cause some serious issues, this type of spice can be a great way to combat that, as aforementioned. In fact, these issues have also been shown to lower the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and other risks that can be present.

Calcium and those with lupus

Because those with lupus have a heightened risk of osteoporosis, calcium is an absolute must. Finding ways to add this to your diet, alongside turmeric should be considered. Some even refer to milk mixed with turmeric as the 'golden drink' for its known relaxing benefits and its benefits towards a patient's health. If anything, have this drink before bed at a suggested time so that it's easier for your body to process its nutrients. This spiced drink also assist with getting a more restful sleep and even can have anti-inflammation properties.

This can also be paired with cinnamon for a drink that will add turmeric and calcium to a diet. This type of whole milk can be beneficial to those who are looking for ways to add even more healthy spices to their diet. While this should most certainly be talked about with a healthcare professional, there are some types of foods that others cannot eat and enjoy. But keep an eye out for alternatives.

Some people just add the warmed turmeric into their milk, although knowing just how to do this isn’t always common knowledge. Heating up milk too fast can cause issues with curdling and an off taste. Heating up the milk slowly and gently is something that is critical to getting the best results possible. Microwaving milk can actually be easier than boiling. Simply put the milk into a microwave-safe container and microwave on medium-high heat, checking every fifteen seconds. This will make it warm, but avoid that curdled texture.

No matter how one wants to get the right nutrition, there is still a way to get the proper nutrients in a diet to help fight lupus! There are different types of diet tricks and tips out there, so if one doesn't work, try the next! Custom diets can also become a staple for those who are looking to lose weight, yet don’t fit into one specific category.

Different kinds of diets might assist some while not working for others who are looking to get the same benefits. Don’t give up! With further research being taken under and more people coming out about this disease, there is hope to be found for those looking for a way to reach out. If you know someone who is struggling with this disease, letting them know they are not alone is something that can make a difference in their life.