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Dr. Geisha Olga Garcia-saez, MD

General Practitioner

Dr. Geisha Garcia Saez is a general practitioner practicing in Miami, FL. Dr. Garcia Saez does not specialize in one area of medicine, however provides routine health care services. General practitioners typically have regular, even life-long patients who they provide health care services to. Dr. Garcia Saez provides services including physical exams, immunizations, and diagnosing and treating multiple illnesses and injuries. General practitioners typically work in private offices and clinics and have staffs of nurses and administators.
Dr. Geisha Garcia Saez, MD
  • Miami, FL
  • Havana Higher Institute of Medical Sciences in Cuba
  • Accepting new patients

What if I stop taking atenolol?

Hypertension is a disease that needs to be taking seriously because is the cause of multiple organ failure in a long term, more in your case since you are only 36 years old, still READ MORE
Hypertension is a disease that needs to be taking seriously because is the cause of multiple organ failure in a long term, more in your case since you are only 36 years old, still young. Please call at your primary Doctor Office and try to do an appointment as soon as possible in an office consultation or via Telemedicine to clarify how you should be taking your blood pressure medication. Try to be adherent to your medication, a healthy diet and exercises, all of then contribute to keep your Blood Pressure under control.

Sexual question?

It is always recommended to be safe when it comes to sexual encounters. Proper condom use is one of the surest ways to avoid any sexually transmitted disease. If you were actually READ MORE
It is always recommended to be safe when it comes to sexual encounters. Proper condom use is one of the surest ways to avoid any sexually transmitted disease. If you were actually using a condom during your chance encounter with this person and you did not have any unnatural form of sex with this person, you are safe from the HIV-transmitted disease. If you don't know the person and have questions, you can go to your PCP and get an HIV test to make sure you are not infected.