Sciatic Nerve Pain and the BPR Method™

Sciatic Nerve Pain and the BPR Method™
Dr. Donald Clinton Carlock Chiropractor | Rehabilitation Gulf Breeze, Florida

Dr. Carlock is a board certified Chiropractic Physician practicing in Gulf Breeze, Florida who has safely and effectively treated thousands of patients since 1994. He is the Founder of the BPR Method™️, CEO of Balance Medical, LLC, and the Clinic Director of Balance Chiropractic. He is also the director of BPR Consulting... more

I know... the title spoke to you. You're in pain and you are suffering from sciatica, sciatic neuropathy, sciatic radiculopathy, one of many medical names given to your varying degree of pain down the back of your leg. It can be extremely painful, debilitating, and chronic. Many patients experience it during pregnancy, from increased physical activity (i.e.-runners increasing mileage), or just crop up after a day working in your garden. So you could be an elite athlete, weekend warrior, construction worker, or a stay at home Mom. You fill in the blank. Whatever the triggering activity, the BPR Method™ evaluation of your condition will answer the question of WHY? Why do you have this pain? What is causing it? I think you get the big idea. 

Many patients find themselves in a vicious cycle of home care, medications, stretching, and usually all for not. A visit to your primary doctor will usually result in a RX (pain meds and muscle relaxers) and possibly a series of physical therapy sessions, which might give you some relief. In my clinical experience, however, most patients experience a return of symptoms requiring repeated care. If this is what you have experienced I am here to tell you there is a fix...the BPR Method™.  

What is the BPR Method™ you ask? Well, the BPR Method™ is a unique analysis of the musculoskeletal system that starts with the bio-mechanics of the feet, which correlates with functional examination findings and with other diagnostic tools. It is based on the premise that any abnormality or bio-mechanical deficiency can lead to stress points within the kinematic chain resulting in myofascial (muscle and fascia) changes, functional shortening of key muscle groups, and eventually pain syndromes. And in your case, sciatic nerve pain. 

The BPR Method™ treatment may vary depending on the diagnosis, underlying causes, and the overall health condition of the patient; however, the goal of treatment is the same...drug-free pain relief! So, that is the BPR Method™ in a nutshell. What does that mean for you? Well, following an extensive history a BPR Method™ functional exam will be performed. Weight bearing digital x-rays will often be used to further access your condition for possible lumbar degenerative disc disease, spondylolisthesis, or even for a congenital anomaly. Most importantly your spinal and pelvic alignment will be correlated with your functional exam findings. If a disc lesion (herniation) or spinal stenosis is suspected from your exam then an MRI will be ordered. Hopefully we get a big negative on your diagnostics, then we will discuss the most common reason for your pain... soft tissue entrapment syndrome, also known as piriformis syndrome. A condition where the muscles deep within the hip are compressing the sciatic nerve resulting in varying degrees of pain. Your pain levels and movement patterns will dictate the timing of a GaitScan™; however, what is consistent in all cases is significant bio-mechanical foot dysfunction. Correcting these bio-mechanical issues with custom RX orthotics and implementing the BPR Method™ acute care protocol, will lend itself to complete correction and elimination of your sciatic pain. The BPR Method™ is not the easy button of care that most patients are hoping for, but what I can say is that when you remove the grey area regarding diagnosis, and undergo effective treatment protocols, then you will be thrilled with the results. Our clinical outcomes for this condition is nearly 100%.

To find out more about the BPR Method™ visit our website or drop me an email

Yours in Health,

Dr. C - Founder of the BPR Method™