5 Advantages and Benefits of Dental Crown

Dr. Zeinab Hasan Dentist London, ON

Dr. Dr. Zeinab Hasan is a Dentist practicing in London, ON. Dr. Hasan specializes in preventing, diagnosing, and treating diseases and conditions associated with the mouth and overall dental health. Dentists are trained to carry out such treatment as professional cleaning, restorative, prosthodontic, and endodontic... more

A dental crown, often nicknamed a "tooth cap," might sound intimidating, but it's actually a versatile and powerful tool in your oral health arsenal. 

These custom-made coverings shield and strengthen your teeth. They offer both medical and cosmetic benefits. 

Got a cracked tooth, some serious decay going on, or just want to spruce up that smile of yours? Dental crowns might be the fix you've been looking for.

Here are the top 5 advantages and benefits of dental crowns:

5 Advantages and Benefits of Dental Crown

1. Rescue and Restore Damaged Teeth:

Has a nasty chip or crack left your tooth looking worse for wear? Or maybe extensive decay has weakened its structure? 

Fear not! 

Dental crowns come to the rescue by serving as a protective shield for your vulnerable tooth. They completely encase the damaged area, restoring its strength and functionality. Crowns act like mini-armor, preventing further fractures, decay, and sensitivity. 

This preservation can save you from the agony of future toothaches and potentially painful extractions.

2. Revitalize Discolored and Misaligned Teeth:

Are stained or discolored teeth holding back your smile? Do misshapen or chipped teeth affect your confidence? 

Dental crowns can work wonders in such cases. 

By covering the entire tooth surface, they effectively mask imperfections and discoloration, giving you a uniform, pearly white smile. 

Additionally, crowns can reshape teeth that are too small, narrow, or misaligned, improving both aesthetics and bite alignment.

3. Strengthens Weakened and Vulnerable Teeth:

Sometimes, fillings simply aren't enough. 

Teeth weakened by large cavities, root canals, or trauma require extra protection. Enter the dental crown, a superhero in disguise. 

Crowns provide superior strength and stability, safeguarding weakened teeth from further damage and potential breakage. 

This is especially crucial for teeth that bear the brunt of chewing pressure, like molars.

4. Enhance Your Overall Oral Health:

Dental crowns aren't just about single-tooth solutions; they can positively impact your entire oral health. 

By protecting vulnerable teeth, they prevent the spread of decay and gum disease. Crowns also improve your bite alignment, which can alleviate jaw pain and headaches caused by temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction. 

Additionally, they act as a barrier against harmful bacteria and food particles, promoting better oral hygiene and reducing the risk of future dental issues.

5. Long-lasting Investment in Your Smile:

While the initial cost may seem significant, dental crowns are actually a long-term investment in your oral health and confidence. 

Compared to other restoration options, crowns boast exceptional durability, often lasting for 15-25 years with proper care. 

This translates to fewer dentist visits, less pain and discomfort, and ultimately, significant cost savings in the long run.

How to Choose the Material for Your Dental Crown?

Now that you know the awesome perks of dental crowns, let's see what are your choices. So, there's a bunch of materials for these crowns, and each has its own pros and cons.

For example, porcelain crowns are the go-to if you're all about that natural look. They blend in like champs. On the other hand, if you're after super strength and durability, the zirconia crowns are the heavy hitters.

Now, metal crowns might not win any beauty contests, but they're wallet-friendly. So, you've got options, depending on what matters most to you.

Final Thoughts:

Dental crowns are more than just tooth caps; they're powerful tools for restoring function, enhancing aesthetics, and safeguarding your oral health. 

If you're facing damaged, discolored, or misaligned teeth, consider this versatile solution. Don't let dental worries dim your smile; schedule an appointment with our dentist near you and unlock its full potential with the strength and beauty of a dental crown.

Remember, consulting a dentist is crucial for determining if a crown is the right option for you. Together, you can create a treatment plan that restores your smile and empowers you with newfound confidence.