Pediatric Acupuncture (Needle and Non-needle Techniques)

Pediatric Acupuncture (Needle and Non-needle Techniques)
Amy Lor Naturopathic Physician Hickory, North Carolina

Dr. Amy Lor is a Naturopathic physician, Acupuncturist and herbalist located in Hickory, North Carolina. She went to Bastyr University for her studies in Naturopathic Medicine, Acupuncture and Oriental medicine Dr. Amy focuses on the foundations of health to promote healing and well-being in individuals by utilizing holistic... more

You are here reading this today because you have been thinking about how and if acupuncture can help your child. Well, you're in the right spot!

The acupuncture needles that I use on kids are much thinner than the ones I use in a typical adult session. It’s as thin as a strand of your hair. They may or may not feel anything when I use them. Kids have so much Qi in them that they don’t typically need a session that is as long as an adult would need. In addition, when I speak with kids, I use the phrase “Acu Taps.” This phrase immediately lets them know that it’s just taps. Acu Taps are only used if your child gives me permission to use it. I am on your child’s TEAM. Therefore, if your child says that he/she doesn’t want any needles. It’s okay. I have other techniques that I could use that can be just as effective as using Acu Taps such as using the pointer plus, tui na (Chinese massage), acupressure, gua sha, moxibustion and cupping. In addition, I can make recommendations outside of their in office treatment to further optimize their health.

Below is a short list of some of the health challenges that Acupuncture has helped many kids with:

If any of this resonates with you and you’re thinking about utilizing pediatric acupuncture to help your child feel better then give me a call at 828-999-4800.

For more information, please see the following resources: