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Dr. David N. Greenfield, PHD

Psychologist | Clinical

Dr. David Greenfield is a psychologist practicing in West Hartford, CT. Dr. Greenfield specializes in the treatment of health mental problems, and helps people to cope with their mental illnesses. As a psychologist, Dr. Greenfield evaluates and treats patients through a variety of methods, most typically being psychotherapy or talk therapy. Patients usually visit Dr. Greenfield because they have been experiencing depression, anxiety, stress or anger for a significant period of time and are seeking help. Psychologists may perform a variety of exams and assessments to diagnose a mental condition.
38 years Experience
Dr. David N. Greenfield, PHD
  • West Hartford, CT
  • Texas Tech University
  • Accepting new patients

Can cognitive therapy help with major depressive disorder?

Yes it absolutely help; sometimes we combine this with additional anti-depressant medication, if necessary.

Can counseling make things worse?

In my 35 years of clinical practice I have rarely seen counseling or therapy make things worse. That doesn’t mean that there won’t be some discomfort from the process but overall READ MORE
In my 35 years of clinical practice I have rarely seen counseling or therapy make things worse. That doesn’t mean that there won’t be some discomfort from the process but overall I have found that most people find it valuable and helpful.

Can you recover from anxiety disorder?

Yes, but you should consider get some treatment with a good psychologist or psychiatrist; anxiety disorders are very treatable with some help.

Do you have to be married for couples therapy?

No... just be in a relationship

Is Talkspace actually effective?

There’s not a lot of research yet on effectiveness of these kinds of treatments

What can I do for my porn addiction?

Take a look at the book “The Porn Trap”

What is the effect of antidepressants on a baby in the womb?

Generally, there are specific antidepressants that can be safe; the prescribing doctor will have to evaluate the risk/benefit factors in deciding. If the psychiatric medications READ MORE
Generally, there are specific antidepressants that can be safe; the prescribing doctor will have to evaluate the risk/benefit factors in deciding. If the psychiatric medications are being prescribed by someone other than her OB-GYN, then they should collaborate.

Is one dependent on anti-depressants for life?

Many people. About 1/3 do need to stay on them for their lifetime, based on numerous diagnostic factors. Others can use them for a period of time, typically not less than 6 months. READ MORE
Many people. About 1/3 do need to stay on them for their lifetime, based on numerous diagnostic factors. Others can use them for a period of time, typically not less than 6 months. Speak to your prescriber about his/her recommendations.

Can physical illness lead to depression?

Yes, it can. Often, we experience strong emotional reaction to physical or emotional changes or losses. Seeing a psychologist or therapist can help in these situations. There is READ MORE
Yes, it can. Often, we experience strong emotional reaction to physical or emotional changes or losses. Seeing a psychologist or therapist can help in these situations. There is a strong relationship between physical and emotional health.

I am extremely stressed out because I'm under way too much pressure at work. Please help.

Meditation, mindfulness, exercise, social connection, getting plenty of rest, talking it out, taking breaks at work can all help manage stress. Also, cut yourself some slack and READ MORE
Meditation, mindfulness, exercise, social connection, getting plenty of rest, talking it out, taking breaks at work can all help manage stress. Also, cut yourself some slack and not having to be or do things perfectly.

Why do I feel very depressed during the summer?

That's not a typical reaction so there may be something that occurs during summer that is painful or uncomfortable for you; something in your situation may change during summer READ MORE
That's not a typical reaction so there may be something that occurs during summer that is painful or uncomfortable for you; something in your situation may change during summer that is contributing to your feeling depressed. Perhaps seeing a psychologist or therapist might be helpful here.

When is it advised to see a doctor for depression?

It’s probably not a bad idea to get a consultation with a mental health professional psychologist psychiatrist or therapist of some type can help diagnose and advise you on which READ MORE
It’s probably not a bad idea to get a consultation with a mental health professional psychologist psychiatrist or therapist of some type can help diagnose and advise you on which way to go; nothing to be ashamed of.

Dr. David Greenfield