Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

Can I go to the GYM with a disc hernia?

I have a disc hernia. Can I go to the GYM with a disc hernia?

6 Answers

It depends on the area of the herniation and its severity. If you do, I would suggest no high-impact exercises or weight lifting as this would worsen it.
It all depends on what is going on. if you want to see if we can help you. call 314-942-8608 or schedule at
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We all have disc bulges in our spine. As long as they are not inflamed, they don't bother u
Pain comes from inflammation...
If you still have inflammation stay home

Yes is the short answer. If the herniation is causing symptoms such as bowel and bladder difficulties, then this needs to be addressed immediately with a physician while stopping lifting. If the herniation is causing numbness and tingling down the legs without muscle strength loss, then traction and core strengthening would be helpful.
It depends on whether your hernia is acute or not. Please ask your health proveder that diagnosed you to answer that question.
Once you have been evaluated by a chiropractor that can be determined