Periodontist Questions Periodontal Disease

Can periodontal disease be reversed?

My father has been diagnosed with periodontal disease. Can this condition be reversed?

14 Answers

Periodontal disease is an infection that destroy the bone that holds the tooth in the socket. This infection can be arrested by treatment and rigorous oral hygiene, but unfortunately cant be reversed. Some selected cases can have surgery to reconstruct the lost bone but unfortunately its not always the case [cid:image001.png@01DA76BD.63A19000]
It can't be reverse. Treatment can stop the disease and preserve what you have
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The only condition under periodontal disease that is reversible is gingivitis, any other form is not and requires thorough treatment. You should have your father see a periodontist as soon as possible.
Absolutely YES
Typically we consider periodontal disease to be controllable but not cured. We usually can't bring back the bone that has been lost but we can stop the bone loss where it is and prevent it from getting worse.
Yes, by seeing a periodontist.
Periodontal disease is the most advanced form of gum disease. It is when you lose the supporting bone around your teeth. Unfortunately, this loss of bone is irreversible. This requires a periodontist to treat and re-establish a healthy mouth.
Periodontitis can be reversed with treatment, or at best controlled.
Periodontal disease cannot be reversed, but can be treated and maintained so it does not get worse.
Yes, in some cases of gingivitis and periodontitis they can be reversed and managed to maintain health. In other cases sometimes the disease process cannot be reversed but health can be achieved and maintained
Usually it cannot any more than high blood pressure can be. However it can usually be controlled the same way as high blood pressure can. However it is hard to answer the question without knowing exactly what type of periodontal disease he has.
Yes, to a certain extent, but it depends on the severity and whether there is bone loss and what type of bone loss exists.
Periodontal disease cannot be reversed, it will continue to progress unless you seek treatment. Periodontal treatment can stop further progression of the disease. Please see a periodontist for further treatment.
There are several types of periodontal disease. Most of the time, periodontal disease is a chronic condition. There are times when bone can be regenerated - but, we don't get rid of the disease. Our goal is to find a way to prevent further bone loss and to regenerate the bone that has been lost. If your father went for a long period of time without having his teeth cleaned, it is possible that his condition could be reversed.