Psychiatrist Questions Psychiatrist

Emergency room question?

Why would my girlfriend be kept in the emergency room for almost 5 to 6 days without being put into a regular room? She is there for mental health but why is there a hold this long and no one will tell me anything. Why would they not transfer her to another facility?

Female | 66 years old
Medications: xanax, seroquel.
Conditions: mental health

2 Answers

It is possible. The in patient beds may be full or there are no psychiatric beds in your area and they are waiting for one to open. This is not the best situation but, unfortunately, one that is becoming common in many areas.
Hello. I’m sorry to learn of this. I would guess that the hospital felt she was not “safe” to release, but did not have a room for her in their psychiatric unit. I don’t know why they did not move her to another hospital...perhaps there wasn’t one with a room?
They wouldn’t give you information unless you have a “confidentiality release of information” from her...that is against the law due to HIPPA.
I hope you’re reunited soon.
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