Ear-Nose and Throat Doctor (ENT) Questions

Eyes not my shiny self , cough and snot

I have had something nasally for four months. One Urgent care visit XRay negative in late Nov after horrible two week uncontrollable cough.
Still not well.
Coughing, lower energy, runny nose, at times clear and others green snot.
I did Accupunture today and actually felt worse.
Why does this linger? Do I need Western Med Drugs?

Female | 66 years old
Complaint duration: Is it allergies? Runny nose and raw soft pallet.
Medications: Vitamins, herbal supplements
Conditions: Sore eyes, less sleep , thyroid meds for hypo

1 Answer

My first question is. how well controlled is your thyroid disorder? Then I would want to consider the possibility of slow Then some covid {persistant covid symptoms over a prolonged period of time}. Then some type of chronic sinus problem should be considered . Testing along with a thorough ENT exam should give you some answers. A daily antihistamine {allegra} Should give you some relief.