Critical Care Medicine Specialist Questions Orthopedist

How long is recovery from a broken ankle?

My daughter broke her ankle. How long is recovery from a broken ankle?

7 Answers

Generally bone takes 6-8 weeks to heal.
Generally speaking, a fracture will heal in about 6-8 weeks. But the course of recovery may be prolonged if you need surgery. The images should be evaluated by a surgeon to insure the treatment is appropriate-many ankle fractures require surgery
Recovery usually takes about 6-8 weeks, depending on extent of fracture and if surgery is needed. I recommend you make an appointment with a foot and ankle surgeon (podiatrist) for evaluation and treatment options in your particular case.
Normally 8 weeks. I also recommend an ankle brace after the casting is this was used. Followed by a steroid injection to help decrease the pain and personally recommend regenerative medicine options to treat the ankle fracture after it has healed to restore the strength and structure.
approximately 6 weeks depending on the type of fracture. The patient then may need physical therapy to walk . The patient should be following with an orthopedic physician.
Ankle fractures can have varying degrees of severity depending on how many bones were broken and how much injury was sustained by the ankle ligaments. The majority of ankle fractures typically can take up to six weeks of immobilization. Most of the time you will need to be nonweightbearing. When enough bone healing is noted on radiographs, typically around six weeks, then patients can start protected weightbearing. A foot and ankle specialist will be able to determine if additional immobilization will be needed or if physical therapy can be started. Recovery from most ankle fractures can take up to one year for full recovery, but most patients are starting to return to casual activities around three months. Again, a foot and ankle specialist should be consulted to determine proper timing to return to regular activities.
Approximately 6-8weeks