Cardiologist Questions Cardiologist

I had a minor stroke?

In September I had a minor stroke on the right side, I had paralysis then 3 months of speech issues, migraine, and leg symptoms. The MRI saw nothing immediate, the CT did see signs of a stroke 30 minutes after happened. Yesterday at work I felt like I was falling sitting down then a loud screeching sound in both ears. Then both eyes blurred and I felt dizziness then chills in my head for about 20 min. I was checked by an EMS, no signs of a problem. I was walking down the hall and I suddenly felt extreme overwhelming grief than a loss of muscle strength/control. I fell into the wall and blacked out I came to gasping for air in rapid big gasps and snorts but had no muscle control head over the back of the chair. I was staring up at the ceiling couldn't move my eyes, legs, arms, anything, and my breathing wasn't in my control. It was like I was out of body watching, hearing myself, and couldn't respond. Suddenly I felt relief then I could move some. It lasted about 5 minutes I was rushed to the hospital had a CT, MRI, and EEG, nothing was found. I did have lingering muscle twitches like left-arm jumping without control. And numbness on and off but all control and function were normal. Drs have no idea. Potassium was 3.2 was the only thing they found I was type 2 diabetic 6'3 295 no history of similar symptoms. My stroke was way different. I did have a migraine which ended right after the episode immediately. Any ideas you may have are welcome.

Male | 42 years old
Complaint duration: 03242022
Medications: Levothyroxine lantis glimeperide
Conditions: Hypothyroid kidney stones minor stroke type 2 diabetic

3 Answers

Work on your gut microbiome and change your diet. Consult Functional Medicine. Start the MIND diet, organic, non-GMO, gluten free diet.
If the MRI did not show a stroke, lt's less likely to be a stroke. The migraine attacks can cause the symptoms that you have. You need to see a neurologist and be treated. Migraines if severe enough, can cause a stroke.
This is a complex situation and I would start with a neurologist with this set of symptoms, good luck with this.