Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

Is it normal to have tingling after chiropractic?

I have tingling in my back after a chiropractic adjustment. What should I do?

4 Answers

Tingling after a chiropractic adjustment might be normal as your body adjusts. However, if it persists or worsens, it's essential to inform your chiropractor. They can assess the situation to ensure your comfort and safety throughout the healing process.
Ask your doctor, as there can be a myriad of thing that can cause this based on your history.
I would say it is not normal but also not highly unusual. If it last more then a few days talk to the doctor who did the adjustment.
Tingling can result after a chiropractic adjustment due to the release of pressure on nerves. Think of it in terms of wrapping a rubber band around your finger. The pressure will cause a loss of sensation over time because there us limited blood flow and circulation to the area. Once the rubber band is removed and proper circulation and blood flow is restored, there may be a slight tingling sensation that follows. If you have concerns or if the tingling sensation persists, call your local chiropractor and express your concerns.