Emergency Medicine Questions Emergency Physician

Is there epiglottis damage from a ventilator?

A relative recently had bypass surgery...84 years old...after the surgery, the ventilator was left on for two days. Then after taking out apparently the little flap (epiglottis?) was damaged and something went into the lungs and he now has pneumonia and a feeding tube in his nose and they want to insert a permanent feeding tube. Why did this happen and why can't the flap be fixed?

Male | 84 years old
Complaint duration: 10 days

3 Answers

You need ent consult to evaluate it
This is a very complicated issue. You certainly need this person to see an ENT doctor and have the ENT doctor explain the laryngeal (throat) findings and the implications of what is seen. Additionally, it is likely that the patient needs a specialized swallow evaluation with a speech pathologist.
These are known side effects of the procedure unfortunately.