Geriatrician Questions Geriatrics

Life expectancy

My 82 year old mom has 16% kidney function but refuse dialysis. What's the life expectancy?

Female | 82 years old

1 Answer

With excellent care, and as best a lifestyle as possible the life expectancy can be 5-10 or more years. This is with preservation of the current level of function. With further decline in function it can be much shorter closer to 1-3 years. Mainstay of treatment will be diuretics to empower the kidneys to filter urine, potassium if it becomes low from the diuretic, bicarbonate in the form of citrate (also can use green veggie juicing but watch out for high potassium), appropriate salt intake which is less than 2 grams or less in some cases, low potassium diet, water/fluid intake restriction to avoid overloading the body which can be 1 liter to 2 liters, as much of an active lifestyle as possible, close monitoring of body weight, close monitoring of kidney function and electrolyte levels. With the right regimen you can last long. The hard part is helping our loved one make the changes needed in their lifestyle due to the stubbornness and them not listening to anyone. In the end they should be listened to in regards to how they want to live their life, and how they would like to take care of themselves, with their own will in the center of everything. We cannot force our parents to live how we think is best, they have a right to know what they should do and decide how they would like to be cared for and for themselves.
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