Ear, Nose and Throat Doctor (ENT) Questions Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT)

Nose injury?

I recently got hit on the side of my nose mostly on the bridge and side of it. Now after 2 weeks of healing, it’s still pushed in my nostrils flat and it’s hard to breathe through. I'm not sure if that side is broke bones or if the other side with a bulge is a fracture? I have good breathing coming from the side where I didn’t get hit which is the side with the bulge.

Male | 28 years old
Complaint duration: 2 weeks

4 Answers

You need to consult an ENT who can do examination and advice you what needs to be done
Could be either. Bottomline though, you need to see a provider to look in your nose and make sure you don't have a septal hematoma. This could be responsible for the blocked breathing and needs to be drained, otherwise it can get infected or cause death of the septal cartilage, and possibly lead to a septal perforation.

Even if the bones were broken, you don't do anything to them unless they are displaced. 2 weeks after injury is too far out to reposition broken nasal bones, if there were any displaced at all. So at this point, doesn't matter if it's broken or not.
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Everything you say suggests that you broke your nose. It also suggests that you now have a deviated septum, the cartilage of the middle of your nose. This needs to be corrected surgically. The longer you wait healing will continue and will require a more extensive procedure.
Would appreciate lateral and base photos. You still have a brief window for any fracture to be reduced in an ENT office under local anesthesia. After three weeks any fracture will usually need reduction in the OR. with possible osteotomies. Should see ENT tomorrow to check for septal hematoma, fractures, etc.