OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) Questions OB-GYN

Ovarian cysts & other complications?

Ok so I went to the ER 2 days ago for lower abdominal pain and vaginal itching/burning. They tested my blood and urine; both ruled out any signs of bacteria, yeast, or STIs. They also did a pelvic ultrasound and found an 11cm cyst in my left ovary & a 2cm cyst in my right ovary. They sent me home and I set up an appointment with an OB-GYN. The next day I had a very sharp pain in my lower abdomen (it was so bad I couldn't walk & had to call an ambulance). I was given some medication to help with the pain and they did a second ultrasound, there were no significant differences between my first ultrasound and my second ultrasound. I've also had very irregular menstrual cycles my whole life. My last period was probably a year ago. So my question is, could this all be related? Or is this something that happens to other people? I feel like a medical mystery at this point.

Female | 23 years old

2 Answers

11 cm cyst with sharp pain is grounds for immediate assessment for surgery
You could be undergoing torsion of the cyst which needs immediate surgical intervention
Please don’t wait on this
Go to your nearest ER or inform your OBGYN ASAP
Cysts on the ovary can come and go. When they are bigger than 5cm there is a risk or rupture or torsion (where the ovary twists on its blood supply) and these can both cause acute pain. An 11cm cyst is not likely to go away—you may need it surgically removed. If you are continuing to have severe pain, go to the Emergency Department.