Infectious Disease Specialist Questions COVID-19

Pfizer Covid Vaccine & Antivirals?

I have just received the second dose of the covid vaccine. How long do I have to wait until I can start antivirals? After multiple cold sore outbreaks, I was given a subscription of 500 mg of valocyclovir, 2 times a day, and need to start it as soon as it is safe. I have no other underlying health conditions or medications that I take.

Female | 28 years old
Medications: None
Conditions: None

3 Answers

Thanks for the question. It is safe to take Valacyclovir after the vaccine. It has no effect on this vaccine.

No delay needed.

Carl Lauter, MD
Good day!

There is no contraindication for taking antivirals prescribed by your physician. However, if you any doubt, I suggest you visit your physician.
Warm regards and stay safe!