Doctor Questions Doctor

Should I go to work?

I work as a tire technician for vehicles ranging in sizes between semis and small hatchbacks. I was sick last week but find myself 2 hours away from work, having not slept due to diarrhea. I'm quite certain it's not contagious due to all the cough drops I've been consuming to take care of the cough that remained. I read that these drops contain phenylalanine, which can act as a laxative, and I've consumed a ludicrous amount of them. I've been on the toilet off and on for about 9 hours now. Should I call in sick again, or am I good to go?

Male | 28 years old
Complaint duration: 1
Medications: None
Conditions: N/A

2 Answers

Go see a doctor. Get a colonoscopy
If you have no fever and the diarrhea has lessened to the point that you would not need a lot more than the usual bathroom breaks, then ok to return to work.