Orthopedics Questions Orthopaedic Surgeon

Shoulder pain?

No know injury. Shoulder pain. Worse when laying down and at rest. Intense pain and dull ache. Full range of motion with some discomfort. Would could it be? How can I find relief?

Female | 26 years old
Complaint duration: 7 days

5 Answers

Rotator cuff tendinitis. NSAIDs/shoulder exercises. If not better, go see ortho.
Common causes of shoulder pain are Bursitis, tendinitis, impingement or labral pathology. They can be from overuse. You need an evaluation from your orthopedic doctor to make the diagnosis and start treatment.
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There are several reasons this can happen. This sounds like a positional pain problem that may be related to the stability of the shoulder joint. It needs to be evaluated by a specific physical exam to help determine the actual cause.

Jeffrey R. Carlson, MD
Aleve twice a day and start some gentle shoulder exercises. Look online at the AAOS shoulder Ortho info now for exercises. If no improvement in two weeks, please see orthopedics.

Robert D. Swift, DO, FAOAO
Sudden onset of shoulder pain without injury is difficult to pin down as far as an exact diagnosis. Without trauma or injury fracture and torn tendons are unlikely. Potentially calcific tendinitis can cause this picture. Sometimes shoulder pain that is associated with developing frozen shoulder can cause this similar pain. This will be known as the pre-freezing stage.In most cases anti-inflammatories, activity modification, physical therapy and home exercise can alleviate symptoms. Would recommend seeing a orthopedic surgeon to get your shoulder properly evaluated.