Dentist Questions Dentist

What happens if you get a cavity with Invisalign?

I wear Invisalign and have a cavity. What happens if you get a cavity with Invisalign?

8 Answers

If you are cleaning your teeth and tray properly you should not get decay during treatment. the cavity might have been there before you began treatment. Be careful about drinking sweet drinks, and acid drinks like orange juice and milk while wearing trays as you are trapping cavity-producing bacteria beneath the tray. Keep the aligners clean.
You need to see your general dentist have the cavity restored. Your aligners should still fit properly. If they don’t, you may need to have a new scan or impressions to get new aligners made.
You need to consult your general dentist about how urgent it is to repair the cavity. If it is urgent, the dentist will repair the tooth and your orthodontist will submit your case for refinement. If it is not, you can get it fixed after your Invisalign treatment.
Your regular dentist will fill it and try to make it fit with the tray.
If you have a cavity you need to go to your general dentist to have it taken care of before it gets bigger. Tell your dentist that you are being treated with Invisalign and they can either make sure that your new filling is contoured so that your trays will fit or if the filling turns out to be
larger than expected your orthodontist will need to do a new Invisalign scan and they will need to do a refinement for you.
You get it filled.
You should get the cavity fixed as soon as possible so that it is small and doesn't keep damaging the tooth. Bring your most recent tray to the dental office and they will use it to check the filling shape so it stays the same as the original tooth and will not affect your Invisalign treatment. If the cavity is large enough that the tooth shape will be changed significantly then a new model/scan of the mouth may be needed along with a new series of Invisalign trays.
If you get a cavity on a tooth while you are in Invisalign you will still need to have it restored. It may require your treating dentist/orthodontist to re-impress.