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Xanax with extended release melatonin?

I’m a 19 year old female that weighs about 165 for reference. I recently was prescribed .5 mg of Xanax, and tonight I couldn’t sleep after I took one. I would say maybe 45 minutes to an hour after, I took extended-release melatonin. I believe it was 4 mg melatonin. I googled if the two were okay to mix after I took them, (big mistake, I know) Google told me that I could possibly sedate myself or overdose. Should I be worried? I can’t sleep until I know I’m okay, I lost my mom to an overdose and I think I should be fine, but I’m terrified. Thank you, hopefully, I get a response tonight so I can breathe easy.

Female | 19 years old
Medications: Xanax and Extended release melatonin

3 Answers

Insomnia is just a symptom of many psych disorders. It is better that you see a neuro-psychiatrist who will do a full psychiatric evaluation and quantitative electro-encephalogram. Check this link:
I am not an MD. I don't think one pill on top of the other is dangerous, especially since the second pill was a natural substance over the counter. I think people who overdose take significantly more than that. It sounds like the loss of your mom was traumatic and maybe you could talk about it in depth with a professional.
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You cannot "overdose" on this combination if by overdose you mean a serious excessive exposure that results in major danger to health. You may be overly sleepy, but even that is unlikely. In general, it is not a good idea to use 2 different kinds of medication initially for the same problem. You should see how one of them works before trying another. However, if you have any history of risk factors for substance use disorders, such as positive family history, or a history of binge alcohol consumption, Xanax is a highly dependency-producing drug and I would recommend not using it on a regular basis.