Pediatrician Questions Darkening elbows

My daughter's elbows are darkening. What could be the problem?

My daughter is 4 years old and I observed that her elbows are darkening. What could be the reason for this? I know that she leans on them often, could this be due to that?

2 Answers

Hyperpigmentation of the skin could be due to different reasons. Chronic irritation, eczema, sometime even nutritional deficiency can lead to this. In some cases, it could be due to hormonal problems. Make sure your pediatrician orders blood work and does a complete exam on your daughter.

Rubina Azam MD, FAAP, ABOIM
Excessive trauma can cause darkening. Is there a rash? eczema can also cause darkening. Does she scratch them? Be sure her skin stays moisturized.