Homeopathic Physician Questions Erectile Dysfunction

Is there a homeopathic treatment available for erectile dysfunction?

My husband is suffering from erectile dysfunction. Is there any homeopathic treatment for this problem? I don’t want my husband to take steroids or anything allopathic for the fear of side effects.

6 Answers

We need to start with the root cause…….
- cut sugar and inflammatory foods
- clean liver test function
-cholesterol plaque in blood vessels
- homocysteine levels and CRP
- nitric oxide levels
- hormone levels
-hormone processing
- A1 C level
Just to start…..
Yes, it can be permanently cured with Homeopathy Treatment. Very effective medicines are there in homeopathy. With my treatment of 1.5 months, you will get permanent relief. Will prescribe the complete treatment .
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Yes, homeopathic medicine has an answer to erectile disfunction, however, the treatment should be customized for each patient.

Erectile dysfunction can occur from blood pressure issues and so much more. He needs to be seen in the office to figure out the actual cause.

Yes. There is treatment in homeopathy for erectile dysfunction.


There are several remedies... this condition calls for records reviews and a well thought out strategy!