Physiatrist (Physical Medicine) Questions Anxiety

Suffering from anxiety, and panic attacks for the last 3 years. Need second opinion.

I am suffering from severe anxiety and panic attacks from the last 3 years. What could be the trigger for this as I was normal before that. Can medications help me?

6 Answers

This may be COVID related as we are finding many adverse symptoms of the virus as well as the pandemic in general. For many people the pandemic was a very difficult time and has affected people in many ways. Did you ever get COVID? Have you had more stress in your life in the past 3 years? The fact that technology is moving faster than our biology can keep up, which is creating an increase in mental health issues. I'm not sure what advice you've received, but having a great breathing practice can help with this and/or getting a vagus nerve treatment. A physical therapist can help you with both of these. If you have any additional questions, email me at
Medications will help, but will also sedate you. Try essentials oils such as lavender in a diffuser, and also capsules, meditation and yoga are also very helpful. If you don’t exercise, then that is a must!
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Meds can help in the short run, but you need a therapist who can determine why this problem started and work to resolve it
This is always a difficult one to diagnose but seeing a spine specialist as sometimes certain cervical spine nerve blocks can assist in reducing anxiety such as stellate ganglion block if the stress is related to PTSD can be very helpful as well as certain medication but best to avoid chronic medication usage as there are many downsides to this as well
It's difficult to tell you what has triggered this in you, but something has. You require to be seen by a specialist such as psychologists psychiatric.. I do not like drugs unless one can ascertain the underlying problem even then there are other more holistic ways to deal with panic attacks. You must try and find the underlying cause.
There are many factors that cause anxiety and panic attacks. Do you want to make an appointment to discuss treatment options? Please call 815-398-7246 or 312-808-1200 to schedule an appointment.

Dr. Li