Infectious Disease Specialist Questions Infectious Disease Specialist

Vaccines and immunizations?

My name is Ethan Wade and I attend Trinity College Senior, for an assignment I am conducting surveys to collect primary based information regarding the topic of vaccines being relevant due to the current COVID-19 pandemic. It would be greatly appreciated if you were to respond and answer the questions below.

1. Do you believe vaccines should be mandatory, are they effective means of immunization?
2. Is the creation of vaccines ethical? Why/Why not
3. Is the Anti-vaxxer movement correct in assuming vaccines are unethical and ineffective?
4. Is Herd immunity an effective method of immunization?

Any further information regarding vaccines and immunizations

Thank you for your time and co-operation during these difficult times.

Male | 18 years old

1 Answer

Yes, they should be mandatory and unless someone has proven allergy to the vaccine. Otherwise, everyone should be required to be vaccinated unless they can prove immunity. "Are they effective" is a stupid question. They would not be approved unless proven effective in clinical trials. 2. It is unethical not to vaccinate against dangerous illnesses caused by viruses and bacteria. Millions upon millions of people would be dead from polio, smallpox, measles, meningitis, etc., if not for vaccines. Do not be brainwashed by the anti-VAXers. 3. Anti-VAXers are dangerous and spreading a dangerous message. They are completely wrong. 4. "Herd immunity" is not a form of immunization. It occurs when 80% of the populations is resistant to the disease because they have survived it. If there is no vaccine, this may occur after millions have already died from the disease. A population may safely develop "herd immunity" after the majority of the population has been vaccinated.

William Z. Cohen, M.D., FAAFP
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