Ophthalmologist Questions Ophthalmologist

What does it mean when you see zigzag lines in your vision?

I am a 31 year old male. I see zigzag lines in my vision. What could be the cause?

7 Answers

It is most likely neurological, often seen before migraines
Migraine usually, but there are other condones that can do that.
Depends on the diagnosis. A complete ophthalmologic exam should be performed.
Possible migraine.
It may be from a retina problem or near/vascular- see an ophthalmologist.
Could be a migraine, with or even without a headache.
Two reasons are possible:

1. Retinal vitreal traction, usually associated with flashes of light.
2. Migraine symptoms associated with microvascular spasms due to chemical or hormone imbalances in your system.