Ophthalmologist Questions Ophthalmologist

What is the best vision correction surgery?

I am a 38 year old female and I am considering vision correcting surgery. What is the best vision correction surgery?

8 Answers

What is your prescription?
https://www.aao.org/eye-health/treatments/what-is-refractive-surgery <https://www.aao.org/eye-health/treatments/what-is-refractive-surgery>
That would depend on your refractive error (glasses prescription), corneal thickness and topography, and the surgeons experience. Go fore a consultation when the Coronavirus crisis recedes. SO
There is no single “best” vision correction surgery, but the “best” for you may be determined after a thorough screening evaluation by a Board-certified Ophthalmologist who specializes in Refractive Surgery, but you wish to be assured prior to appointing for consultation, that your examination and consultation is with the surgeon, and not with other affiliated health care professionals, who may be there to “feed the machine.” It’s worth the effort to find an expert surgeon who takes the time to personally evaluate and counsel each patient.
There are several different types that have good results. The surgeon determines which type is the best depending on your eye shape, corneal thickness, current glasses prescription, etc. Getting a screening by a few different surgeons is a good place to start. Usually screenings are free.
In my opinion, it's lemma replacement which corrects presbyopia