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How is bronchitis diagnosed?

My son is 12 year old, and he has been coughing for at least a week. What can be the cause? Could this be bronchitis?

What is the cause of my son's persistent cough?

My son is 10 years old, and he has had a persistent cough already for 2 weeks. What can be the cause? Would he be referred to any tests?

My 3 year old son hemoglobin level is 6.4. Is it a serious problem?

My 3-year-old son's hemoglobin level is at 6. 4. We noticed it after his last blood test, but we didn't get a call after we got the results. Could this be a serious problem?...

What could be the cause of high hemoglobin levels?

Blood test showed that my daughter's hemoglobin levels are high? What causes high hemoglobin levels in children? We have an appointment soon to discuss the results of her test....

Should my child be getting a blood test often?

My daughter has had a blood test done before, mainly because she was experiencing fatigue. It came back that she was suffering from a deficiency in vitamin D. With this deficiency,...

What does a low white blood cell count mean?

My son had a blood test done because he was feeling fatigued and tired, and his blood test came back with a low number of white blood cells. This does make sense because he gets...

How is a liver disease diagnosed in children?

My child has had flu-like symptoms for the past few days, but the doctor tested for the flu and it came back negative. She said that it had to be a common cold. But now my son's...

Are children sedated for blood tests?

My son needs to have his blood drawn to see if he has any vitamin deficiencies. He's also really afraid of needles. Would he be sedated for his blood test?

How is jaundice in babies diagnosed?

I am about to have my first child and have heard about so many babies born with jaundice. What is the way that doctors diagnose jaundice in babies, and what is the treatment?...

How are UTIs in children diagnosed?

My son has pain when urinating, and he also had some blood in his urine. I feel like this is a UTI. How are they typically diagnosed in boys? What tests will be done to confirm...

10 year old son needs liver biopsy. How long until tests come back and can anesthesia hurt him?

My son's doctors say his liver is enlarged and they scheduled him for a liver biopsy. How long does it usually take for the tests to come back? Also, he's so young (10 yrs old)...

When should a test for mono be done?

My daughter has a fever and a runny nose. Mono is going around in her school, and I have a feeling that she has it as well. What tests can be done to confirm it?

How will a pathologist test for allergies in my son?

My son has multiple allergies. What tests are recommended to ensure all his allergies are tested in one test?

My daughter has a persistant fever. What should I do?

My daughter has been having persisting fevers. She was tested for some infectious diseases and malaria but they are negative. When should the next test be?

My son has been vomiting up nearly everything for 2 days. Should I do a stool test?

My 10 year old son has been vomiting up almost everything the eats for the last couple of days. I took him to the doctor, who said it was a stomach bug and should pass soon....

What tests will be done to confirm anemia?

I have anemia, and my son is getting blood work done to check if he is suffering from it as well. He's been experiencing symptoms of fatigue so I want to make sure. What tests...

Is pathology of pleomorphic adenoma accurate?

I was diagnosed with a paraotid gland tumor by CT scan and the FNA said that it was a pleomorphic adenoma- which was benign. I have my surgery scheduled in one month where they...

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