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Do light periods indicate pregnancy?

I know this question sounds strange, but I heard that it's possible to have a very light period in the beginning of your pregnancy. Is it possible, if your period is abnormally...

Do abdominal ultrasounds expose my baby to radiation?

My OBGYN wants to do an abdominal ultrasound with me, and she says that it's completely normal. I'm just worried about any radiation. How safe is it to have an abdominal ultrasound...

How successful is in vitro fertilization?

My wife and I are considering in vitro, but I definitely don't want to go through with it if there is a significant rate of failure. What are the success rates on in vitro fertilization?...

Is pregnancy safe for women with heart issues?

I had a serious heart arrhythmia treated several years ago, and I want to know if this puts me or my baby in danger if I ever get pregnant. Is pregnancy safe for women with previous...

How much weight gain is normal during pregnancy?

I've really been craving brie cheese and other things (usually fried) that I know are really fattening. I understand that I'm eating for two and I'm bound to gain weight. But...

Is lower back pain a sign of pregnancy?

I've missed two periods now, and I have lower back pain. Is having lower back pain one of the early signs that a woman might be pregnant, along with missed period?

How can I avoid having unplanned pregnancies?

I'm 24 years old and I'm on the pill. I also always use condoms. Is there anything else that I should be doing to avoid unplanned pregnancies?

What do I need to take to prevent birth defects?

I know that folic acid is very important to take while pregnant. But are there other vitamins or minerals that I should take to prevent birth defects?

Can you get your period while pregnant?

I'm in my second trimester and I was spotting a little bit this morning. Is it possible for a woman to get her period while she is pregnant? Should I see a doctor?

Can drinking alcohol cause a miscarriage?

I found out I was pregnant when I was 2 months. I did drink here and there, but that was because I didn't know. Can drinking alcohol cause a miscarriage? Or is a low quantity...

How accurate are home pregnancy tests?

I'm 27. I missed one period and am late on my second, so I want to get a home test. How accurate are home pregnancy tests?

Is it possible to be pregnant 5 days before period?

My last period date was 16 Feb and 12 March during sex some sperm goes into my vagina. I have some doubts about pregnancy. I checked with pregnancy kit but the result is negative...

Can pregnant women go see a chiropractor?

I'm pregnant, but my back has been in pain lately. I cannot find a comfortable position to sleep. Can pregnant women go see a chiropractor?

Is general anesthesia safe during pregnancy?

My wife needs to have surgery during her pregnancy, but the surgery has to be done under general anesthesia. There's no way around it either. Will general anesthesia pose a risk...

How long does ovulation lasts?

I'm thinking about having a child soon, but I'm trying to figure out when I'm most fertile. How long is this fertile period, and on what day am I most fertile?

Should pregnant women get the flu shot?

Is it recommended that pregnant women get the flu shot? Is it safe for everybody, including pregnant women?

Should I go to every appointment when pregnant?

I'm only a few months pregnant, and I'm also 25 years old. My doctor wants me to go to her a lot, twice a month. I feel like this is too much. Do I have to go to every appointment?...

Are there any approved anti-depressants for pregnant women?

I'm 30 years old, and I recently was put on an antidepressant (Lexapro). The pharmacist said that it would not be safe if I was pregnant or planning to become pregnant. Are there...

Is it safe for diabetics to have children?

I'm a 28 year old woman with type 1 diabetes, and I want to have a child. Is childbearing safe for diabetics?

Can varicose veins affect ability to become pregnant?

I'm 30 years old and I have varicose veins around my groin from my previous pregnancy. My doctor said that they would go away, but they didn't at all. A year later now, I'm thinking...

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