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My son has congestive heart failure. What kind of lifestyle changes we can make to help my son?

My teenage son has congestive heart failure. I want to know what kind of lifestyle changes can we make to help him?

What is the cause of my son's chest pain?

My son is 10 year old, and he has experienced chest pain for already one week. What could really be the cause? I'm afraid that this has to do with his heart.

My son was diagnosed with tachycardia. Is it serious?

My son is 13 year old, and he was diagnosed with tachycardia. Is this serious? His doctor says that he doesn't need to be treated for it.

Can running cause chest pains?

My 10 year old son has pretty sharp chest pain while he runs. Is this a normal thing for him to experience? Should I take him to a doctor?

What are some signs of heart issues in children?

My child's school called me about this, actually, and it was about my son having issues with his breathing after exercising. He would easily be out of breath after doing most...

My child has shortness of breath. Is this a sign of a heart condition?

I've noticed that my child has been short on breath, and I'm scared that this could be a heart condition. I know this is a sign of a heart condition with adults, but is it a sign...

What blood pressure is high for children?

My child is 12 years old and during her checkups, her doctor checks her blood pressure. So far, it's been normal. But what is the level of blood pressure that is too high for...

My baby was operated for a hole in the heart. Can it reoccur?

When my son was 3 years old he was operated on because he had a hole in the heart. Is it possible for him to have another hole in his heart?

Is interventional radiology useful in treating heart disorders?

Can interventional radiology help in treating heart disorders in children?

What are the various causes of high blood pressure?

What could be the various factors causing high blood pressure in a person?

My son gets tired very fast after playing. Could it be a sign of a weak heart?

My son gets tired way too fast while playing with his friends, and sometimes, he gets really short on breath. Could it be a sign of a weak heart?

Is fish oil good for my child?

Is it right to start my 6 year old son on fish oil to improve his heart functioning?

My son had a hole in the heart that was operated. Will it have any future implications in his life?

My son had a hole in his heart that we got operated on. Will it cause him to have a problem in the future?

My son had an open heart surgery. Can he resume his sports again?

My son is 9 years old and had open heart surgery about 6 months ago. He was very athletic before his surgery, so you could just imagine how much he wants to get back in the field....

My son had a heart transplant. What will recovery entail?

My son is 8 years old and he recently underwent a heart transplant. How long will it take him to resume life as a normal kid again? Are there any activities or things he will...

My daughter's blood pressure is high while flying. What can I do to help her?

Whenever we fly, my daughter's blood pressure increases and it's a little concerning. Is there anything that I can do that can help her lower her blood pressure? Anything will...

My friend was born with his heart outside of his chest cavity. What usually happens with this condition?

I have a friend who was born with his heart outside of his chest cavity, and he always has to wear a protective guard underneath it. He's 17 years old now. I'm very curious about...

After a heart surgery, when can my son start playing again?

My son went into cardiac surgery because he had a hole in his heart. But now he has been in recovery for at least a month. When is it okay for him to go back to his normal routine?...

Can a 10 year old be required to undergo a bypass surgery?

My son is 10 years old and has been diagnosed with heart blockages. I never thought that a child could be diagnosed with heart blockages, and now his pediatrician wants us to...

Are there alternatives to a catheter ablation for atrioventricular reciprocating tachycardia

My child, 9 years old has been diagnosed for with Atrioventricular reciprocating tachycardia( AVRT) since he was a baby. Over time, things have gotten worse and his doctor is...

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